We manufacture high-quality and easy-to-use soldering irons and equipment, from hobby equipment to industrial robots. Since our founding in 1965, Taiyo Electric has won a 60 percent share of Japan’ s domestic market for soldering products. We are experts in innovation, precision, and energy-saving. We want to give you the best products at the best cost.
Taiyo’s goot products go all over the world via a network of distributors in over 60 countries, in Asia, Europe, North and South America, the Middle East, Oceania, and Africa. We stand by our products from our factory until they are in your hands.

Quality control
From beginning to end, our engineers, production staff, and sales staff, are dedicated to quality and durability. ISO 9001 standards ensure the best products and the highest level of customer satisfaction.
Professional development
We maintain our high standards through our recruitment of young and innovative engineers. We give them workshops and overseas training. We encourage them to design state-of-the-art products. Our motto is, “Outstanding products from outstanding people.”
Global network
Partners promoting goot products in Japan and overseas help us to improve. They gather market information that helps us to perfect designs to users’ needs. Taiyo’s head office and factory are in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture. Our Japanese sales force has offices in Tokyo, Osaka, and Niigata.